Rešenje o neprohvatljivosti

Ocena ustavnosti odluke Apelacionog suda Kosova K.P./K.V. nr-186/2013 od 01. juna 2013. god.

br. predmeta KI 88/13

podnosiocu: Nazmi Mustafi


The Applicant has filed his referral in compliance with Article 113,7 of the Constitution of Kosovo, challenging the decision of the Kosovo Court of Appeals K,P,/K,V, no-186/2013 of 01 June 2013, by which the Court amended the measure of securing presence of the defendant in criminal procedure, by removing the measure of bail in the amount of 25000 Euros, and imposing detention as measure of securing presence of defendant in criminal procedure, The Applicant alleges infringement of the Article 5 of the Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, violations of Articles 274, 275 paragraph 1, Article 276 and Article 277 (exceptionally paragraph 4), also in conjunction with Article 39,3 paragraph 1, Article 281, paragraph 1 and 2, and sub-paragraph 1, items (i), (ii), (iii) of the Criminal Procedure Code of Kosovo, Deciding upon the referral of applicant Nazmi Mustafi, the Constitutional Court, upon review of proceedings, has not found that relevant proceedings were in any way unjust or arbitrary, and that rulings of regular courts were entirely reasoned, Therefore, the Court found that the referral, is manifestly ungrounded, since the facts presented fail to corroborate the allegations of violation of constitutional rights


Nazmi Mustafi

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