Rešenje o neprohvatljivosti

Ocena ustavnosti rešenja Okružnog suda u Prištini Ac. br. 389/2012 od 23. novembra 2012. god.

br. predmeta KI 40/13

podnosiocu: Ymer Bajrami


The Applicant alleges that the Decision of the District Court (Ac, No, 389/2012) of 23 November 2012 violated his rights guaranteed by Article 49 [Right to Work and Exercise Profession] of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo because, as alleged by the Applicant, the execution procedure with regards to the payment of compensation of his salary, for the period 1 December 2001 until 1 January 2006, was cancelled, The Applicant alleges a violation of Article 49 [Right to Work and Exercise Profession] of the Constitution, whereas he already has been reinstated to his previous working place and seeks only to enjoy his right to receive his salaries, The Court considered that the facts presented by the Applicant did not in any way justify the allegation of a violation of his constitutional rights and the Applicant did not sufficiently substantiate his claim


Ymer Bajrami

Vrsta zahteva:

KI – Individualni zahtev

Vrsta akta:

Rešenje o neprohvatljivosti

Zahtev je očigledno neosnovan

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