Rešenje o neprohvatljivosti

Zahtev za ocenu ustavnosti presude Vrhovnog suda Kosova, rev. br. 297/2011, od 19. decembra 2011. god.

br. predmeta KI 10/12

podnosiocu: Rasim Kozmaqi


The referral is based on Article 113,7 of the Constitution, Article 22 of the Law and Rule 56 of Rules of Procedure, The Applicant, without mentioning any particular constitutional provision claimed that his constitutional rights had been violated, The Court emphasizes that matters of fact or law are within the jurisdiction of regular courts and that it cannot act as a court of appeals or a fourth instance court, The Court, further reasons that the mere fact that Applicant is unsatisfied with the outcome of the case cannot serve as the right to file an arguable claim on violation of rights guaranteed by the Constitution, Due to the above mentioned reasons, the Court pursuant to Article 113,7 of the Constitution, Article 20 of the Law and Rule 56 (2) of the Rules of Procedure decided to reject as inadmissible the Applicant’s referral


Rasim Kozmaqi

Vrsta zahteva:

KI – Individualni zahtev

Vrsta akta:

Rešenje o neprohvatljivosti

Zahtev je očigledno neosnovan

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