
Constitutional Review of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Kosovo SSC-11-0148, dated 15 June 2011.

Case No. KI 122/11

Applicant: Bujar Reka

The applicant filed the referral pursuant to Article 113.7 and 116.2 of the Constitution of Kosovo, thereby claiming that the constitutional rights and freedoms were violated due to the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court failing to render a ruling within a reasonable time. The Applicant had also requested from the Court to remove the referral from the list, since his issue had remained without an object of review. The Applicant had claimed that the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court had violated his rights guaranteed by Articles 32 and 46 of the Constitution of Kosovo, and Article 6 of the European Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Upon review of the referral of the Applicant based on Articles 20 and 27 of the Law on the Constitutional Court, Rule 32 of the Rules of Procedure, the Court decided to reject the request for an interim measure, to reject the request for allowing lis pendens, and to remove the referral from the list, and to take no further measure in this case.


Bujar Reka

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Decision to dismiss the referral