Jeton Bytyqi


Jeton Bytyqi was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo on 11 March 2024.

Until his appointment as a judge, Jeton Bytyqi was engaged at the Constitutional court initially in the position of the Senior Legal Adviser (2016-2021), and then in the capacity of the Chief Legal Adviser, leading and supervising the Legal Unit of the Constitutional Court (2021-2024). During this period, he was placed for two (2) months at the European Court of Human Rights, where he was involved in the handling of the cases that were filed before this court against the signatory states to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Prior to his engagement with the Constitutional Court, Judge Bytyqi worked for several years in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in the capacity of a Legal Officer in the Office for Legal Affairs, within the Department of the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, as well as in the capacity of a Legal Officer in the Law and Justice Section, within the Human Rights Department, where he was directly involved in advising Kosovo institutions in the implementation of human rights standards and rule of law principles (2008-2016). He was also engaged in the position of Senior Offer for European Legislation in the Agency for European Integration, within the Office of the Prime Minister, where he was involved in the assessment of the compatibility of draft laws with the acquis communautaire of the European Union (2007-2008). During this period, he was placed for one (1) month at the seat of the European Parliament in Brussels, in the Office of the Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Doris Pack.

In the capacity of a consultant, Judge Bytyqi was involved in a number of local and international projects aimed at reforming the legal system of Kosovo, including the capacity building of the public officials. Also, through the presence of the OSCE in Albania and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation, he was engaged in the capacity of an international consultant in providing assistance to the Constitutional Court of Albania in drafting the Strategic Plan and the Action Plan of this institution.

Judge Bytyqi is a holder of the bar exam and completed his law studies at the University of Prishtina. He also studied for one (1) academic year at the Faculty of Law of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, focusing on the international law, international organizations and human rights. He completed his Master studies at KULeuven University in Belgium, with a focus on the European Law (Cum Laude). He has also represented the University of Prishtina in various international competitions, including the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, held in Vienna, Austria.

Judge Bytyqi has attended continuous trainings in the field of human rights and constitutional justice organized by the Council of Europe, as well as specialized trainings on commercial issues, rule of law and European integrations, organized by the University of Pittsburgh in the USA, the Dutch Institute for International Relations, the Swedish Agency Folke Bernadotte Academy, and attended the Venice School for Human Rights.

Judge Jeton Bytyqi is married and has three children.