
Request for constitutional review of the proceedings in the Basic Court in Prishtina – Branch in Lipjan, regarding the case C. No. 296/16

Case No. KI 110/18

Applicant: Isuf Musliu


KI110/18, Applicant Isuf Musliu, constitutional review of the length of the proceedings in connection with the trial in Case C. No. 296/16, which is conducted at the Basic Court in Prishtina – Branch in Lipljan

KI110/18, Resolution on inadmissibility of 27 November 2018, published on 22 January 2019

Keywords: individual referral, constitutional review of the length of proceedings

The Applicant does not challenge any specific act of public authorities. He challenges the length of the proceedings in connection with the trial in Case C. No. 296/16, which is conducted at the Basic Court in Prishtina – Branch in Lipljan.

The Court found that the Applicant had the same allegation in Referral KI18/18, which it rejected as ungrounded by the resolution on inadmissibility.

The Court noted that in the Referral (KI110/18), the Applicant requested the Court to reconsider and review the allegations he had raised in the previous Referral KI18/18.

The Court considered that the new Referral does not present any new circumstance for the Court to take it into consideration again. For all the questions raised in this Referral (KI110/18), the Court has already decided in the resolution on inadmissibility in Case KI18/18.

The Court concluded that the Applicant’s referral is in fact a request for a repetition of a previous referral for an issue that had already been decided by the Court. Therefore, in accordance with Rule 35 (5) of the Rules of Procedure, the Referral was summarily rejected, as inadmissible.


Isuf Musliu

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:
