Public hearing on 25 April 2023


The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, wherein the Referral bearing case number KI82/22 will be examined, with the Applicant Mr. Valon Loxhaj, having the “dismissal and non-compensation” as a subject matter of the constitutional review.

In his Referral, the Applicant alleges that ProCredit Bank – Peja Branch, unlawfully dismissed him and he has not been properly compensated for unpaid wages and other accessory claims under the employment relationship for the period from 15 December to his reinstatement to work on 3 October 2016.

The Applicant, Mr. Valon Loxhaj, and the authorized representatives of ProCredit Bank have been summoned to this hearing.

The public hearing will commence at 10:00 hrs. The Courtroom doors will be opened at 09:30 for the reception of citizens and media interested to follow the hearing.