
Request for constitutional review of the Judgment ,Ac. No. 1717/2012, of the Court of Appeal of Kosovo, of 22 April 2013

Case No. KI 109/13

Applicant: Nurije Salihu


The subject matter is the assessment of the constitutionality of the Judgment of the Court of Appeal by which the Applicant’s constitutional rights were violated in respect to the non-payment of compensation for additional work, which the applicant performed in the District Commercial Court in Prishtina, The work concerned cleaning the building from 17 July 2003 until 01 October 2003 and from 1 December 2003 until 15 December 2003, The Applicant claims that the judgments of the first and the second instance courts, “violated her legitimate right to be awarded monetary compensation for the work done”, without providing any further clarification as to how this amounts to a constitutional violation, In these circumstances, the Applicant has not sufficiently substantiated her allegation, and it cannot be concluded that the Referral is grounded, Therefore, the Court pursuant to Rule 36 paragraph 2 item c ,d, finds that the Referral should be rejected as manifestly ill-founded


Nurije Salihu

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is manifestly ill-founded

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
