
Constitutional Review of the Decision of the District Court in Prishtina Ac. Nr. 1421/2011 dated 4 December 2012, Decision of the District Court in Prishtina Ac. Nr.1373/2011 dated 4 December 2012, Decision of the District Court in Prishtina Ac. Nr. 1372/11 dated 6 December 2012, and Decision of the District Court in Prishtina Ac. Nr. 1371/11 dated 7 December 2012

Case No. KI 46/13, KI 47/13, KI 48/13, KI 68/13

Applicant: Naime Morina, Bukurije Drançolli, Avdi Imeri ve Genc

The Applicants, in their Referrals submitted to the Court, request the reinstatement to their previous working places, including financial compensation in accordance with the Judgments of the Municipal Court and District Court, amended by Judgments of the Supreme Court of 18 December 2008, The Applicants (KI46/13, KI47/13 and KI48/13) allege violation of Article 46 [Protection of Property], Article 49 [Right to Work and Exercise of Profession], and Article 54 [Judicial Protection of Rights] of the Constitution, without offering any further elaboration, Applicant, Genc Shala (KI68/13) further alleges violation of Article 24 [Equality before the Law], Article 31 [Right to Fair and Impartial Trial], Article 49 [Right to Work and Exercise of Profession] of the Constitution, Article 6 [Right to a Fair Trial], and Article 14 [Prohibition of Discrimination] of the European Convention on Human Rights, The Court concluded that the facts presented by the Applicants did not in any way justify the allegation of a violation of the constitutional rights and the Applicants did not sufficiently substantiate their claims


Naime Morina, Bukurije Drançolli, Avdi Imeri ve Genc

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
