Other orders


Case No. KI154/23

Applicant: Afrim Tafarshiku


Prishtina, on​​ 5 July​​ 2024

Ref. no.:MK 2473/24







of Judge






case​​ no. KI154/23




Afrim Tafarshiku



Constitutional Review of Judgment​​ AC.​​ no. 8304/2021,​​ of the Court of Appeals of Kosovo of​​ 20​​ February​​ 2023




Expressing from the beginning my respect and agreement to the opinion of the majority of judges that in this case there has been a violation of Article 31 [Right to Fair and Impartial Trial] of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo (hereinafter:​​ the​​ Constitution) in conjunction with Article 6 (Right to a fair trial) of the European Convention​​ on​​ Human Rights (hereinafter: the ECHR),​​ 


I as an individual judge, however, have a concurring opinion regarding the conclusion of the majority and I do not agree with the opinion of the majority regarding the effects of the judgment​​ itself.​​ I consider that there​​ has been​​ a violation of the right to equality of arms, but it is of a declarative nature.​​ 

Based on the above, and in accordance with Rule 57 of the Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Court, I will briefly present my concurring opinion.


As a judge, I​​ agree​​ with the factual situation as stated and presented in the judgment and I find the same factual situation correct. I as a judge also agree with the way how the applicant’s allegations were submitted and presented in the judgment and I find them correct.


I also agree with the legal analysis regarding the admissibility of the case and the position of the majority that there​​ has been​​ a violation of the right to equality of arms,​​ but that it is of a declarative nature from Article 31 [Right to Fair and Impartial Trial] of the Constitution in conjunction with Article 6 (Right to a fair trial) of the ECHR in the way it was presented in the judgment.


However, I do not agree with the legal effects of this judgment, namely point III. I​​ consider​​ that the​​ Court should have found a violation of a declarative nature and​​ uphold​​ the judgment [AC. no. 8304/2021]​​ of the Court of Appeals​​ of Kosovo,​​ of​​ 20​​ February​​ 2023, because​​ declaring​​ invalid​​ the judgment​​ [AC. no. 8304/2021]​​ of the Court of Appeals​​ of Kosovo,​​ of​​ 20​​ February​​ 2023, nothing is achieved regarding the​​ substantive​​ right of the applicant.


I consider that no applicant would address the Constitutional Court just to​​ exercise​​ the right to equality of arms or some other strictly​​ procedural right, on the contrary, each applicant would turn to the court in order to exercise an essential right,​​ namely​​ an effective right that he​​ considers​​ belongs to him.​​ 


In the present case, the applicant turned to the court to​​ exercise​​ his property right, namely the statement of the claim​​ whereby​​ he requested the compensation of the jubilee salaries,​​ proposing to​​ the Basic Court to grant his statement of claim, recognize his right to the payment of 3 (three) jubilee salaries,​​ in an unspecified amount,​​ with legal interest of 8%,​​ as well as​​ reimburse his costs of proceedings.


The​​ Court’s task is initially to​​ find​​ whether there​​ has been​​ a violation and to remedy the​​ latter​​ by enabling the applicant to exercise his essential right as requested by the applicant and not to provide him with an ineffective procedural right.


I​​ recall​​ that on 20​​ February​​ 2023, the Court of Appeals, in the​​ Judgment​​ [Ac. no. 8304/2021]​​ approved​​ as​​ grounded the​​ appeal filed by the employer and​​ modified​​ the Judgment of the Basic Court [C. no. 3804/2018] of 5​​ December​​ 2019, whereby​​ rejecting​​ the applicants claim as ungrounded. In the content of this Judgment, the Court of Appeals​​ did not reflect the fact whether it examined the response to the appeal submitted by the applicant, which, based on the case file, it received on 19​​ October​​ 2021. Furthermore, in the​​ reasoning​​ of its​​ Judgment, the Court of Appeals​​ assessed the following:​​ 


“According to the assessment of the second instance​​ court, the​​ judgment​​ is contrary to the evidence found in the case​​ file, namely the​​ judgment​​ does not contain reasons for the decisive facts, - and in particular for the time of reaching the work experience of 30 years, respectively 40 years - in the name of which experience, the​​ claimant​​ requested the jubilee reward in the value of three basic salaries. Also, the factual situation​​ determined​​ by the first instance court does not exactly correspond to the evidence from the case​​ file, since from the​​ statements​​ in the lawsuit and other evidence in the case​​ file, it results that​​ the​​ claimant​​ from 1974 established an employment relationship with the​​ respondent, from which fact results that he reached 40 years of work experience in 2014, while he initiated the​​ contested​​ procedure​​ by​​ the lawsuit​​ of​​ 21.12.2018,​​ requesting​​ the​​ respondent’s​​ obligation to pay three salaries in the name of the jubilee reward.


Furthermore, referring to the provisions of Article 87 of Law no. 03/L-212 on Labor (hereinafter: Law​​ on​​ Labor​​ ), the Court of Appeals​​ held​​ that the​​ applicant’s​​ ​​ request​​ was time-barred after​​ determining​​ a different factual situation,​​ namely​​ that the​​ applicant​​ reached the jubilee part of the work in 2014, from which date​​ the​​ statute of​​ limitation period began to run.​​ 


I conclude that in the circumstances of the case at stake, the violation of the right to equality of arms has been established because the response to the applicant's claim was not assessed as it was​​ reasoned​​ in the judgment itself, but I consider that the annulment of the​​ contested​​ judgment is completely unnecessary because the applicant will not be able to exercise the essential right he requested even if the proceedings is reopened because the same is clearly prescribed, namely,​​ the applicant's claim was submitted after the expiry of the time limit.


In the light of the foregoing, I conclude that there​​ has been​​ a violation of the right to equality of arms from Article 31 [Right to Fair and Impartial Trial] of the Constitution in conjunction with Article 6 (Right to a fair trial) of ECHR, but taking into account the circumstances of the​​ present​​ case, the majority of judges should have found in the judgment the violation of the declaratory nature as a moral satisfaction for the applicant, in order not to unnecessarily expose​​ him​​ to new court proceedings and additional costs, which are strictly formal in terms of holding new court hearings without the possibility for the applicant to exercise his​​ essential​​ right.





Concurring Opinion​​ is​​ submitted by Judge;


Radomir Laban,​​ Judge​​ 



On​​ 28​​ May​​ 2024​​ in Prishtina









This translation is unofficial and serves for informational purposes only.





Afrim Tafarshiku

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:

Other orders

Concurring opinion