
Ekrem Gashi vs. Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo

Case No. KI 26/09

Applicant: Ekrem Gashi


The applicant filed a referral against the Central bank of the Republic of Kosovo, as a successor of the Central Banking and Payment Authority of Kosovo (BPAK), which according to him discharged him from work against the law and later on, the employer failed to respect court decisions which were in his favour and which provided that he should be returned to his previous position, However, when BPAK asked a review at the Supreme Court of Kosovo, this court decided in favour of BPAK, The applicant claims that through such actions the right to work and exercise of the profession as well as judicial protection of rights were violated, The Constitutional Court decided to reject applicant’s referral as inadmissible with reasoning that referral is related to a period which dates back from before the entry into force of the Constitution, therefore it emphasises that the referral is time barred and thus inconsistent “ratione temporis” with the provisions of the Constitution and the Law


Ekrem Gashi

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is the Court doesn't have jurisdiction ratione temporis

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
