
Constitutional Review of unspecified decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo regarding pension of the doctor of sciences in the University of Prishtina.

Case No. KI 76/12

Applicant: Qamil Xhemajli

The Applicant submitted Referral pursuant to Article 113,7 of the Constitution of Kosovo, by challenging unspecified decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo regarding the pension of the doctor of sciences, who work in the University of Prishtina, which the Applicant did not specify by number, date or any other way, nor where that decision was published and in this way did not state the content of the decision, which he considers unconstitutional, The subject matter of the Referral are the rights, which the Applicant considers he is entitled to pursuant to unspecified decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo regarding the pensions of the doctor of sciences, who work in the University of Prishtina, because of which the Applicant considers that the same rights should belong to other doctors of science, who did not work in UP, or who have not completed U,P, The Applicant did not specify the constitutional provisions, which he considers to have been violated and he did not offer further which would be important for the decision of the court, although the court requested in written from the Applicant to submit the decision of the Government, which he considers unconstitutional, Deciding on the Referral of the Applicant Qamil Xhemajli, the Constitutional Court after reviewing the proceedings in entirety concluded that the Applicant did not manage to state and sufficiently substantiate his claim by which decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo were allegedly violated his constitutional rights and freedoms, since he did not attach the latter to the Referral of the Constitutional Court, From this it results that the referral is manifestly ill-founded, because the Applicant did not sufficiently substantiate his claim


Qamil Xhemajli

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is manifestly ill-founded

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
