
Constitutional Review of the Ruling of the Supreme Court of Kosovo 1408/2011, of 27 December 2012

Case No. KI 06/13

Applicant: Sylejman Mustafa


The Applicant in his Referral, submitted on 21 January 2013, requests “constitutional review of the Decision of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, A, no, 1408/2011, of 27 December 2012, The Applicant claims that by decisions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (hereinafter: the MLSW) was changed his status from the KLA invalid to civil war invalid, The Court concludes that by taking account the Decision no, 02-02/103, of 24 June 2013, rendered by the MLSW on complete execution of the Judgment of the Supreme Court, A, no, 804/2011, of 12 October 2011, the Court finds that the Applicant does not have now any unresolved case or contest regarding the constitutionality of the MLSW decisions and the case is in fact moot


Sylejman Mustafa

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:



Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
