
Constitutional Review of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Kosovo

Case No. KI 101/10

Applicant: Ismet Hebibi


The Applicant filed a Referral pursuant to Article 113.7 of the Constitution, asserting that his Constitutional rights to work for compensation were infringed by a 2004 judgment of the Supreme Court, which arbitrarily reversed a lower court judgment reinstating him to a job from which he had been terminated and awarding him back wages, The Court held that the Referral was incompatible ratione temporis with the Constitution and inadmissible pursuant to Article 113.7, Article 56 of the Law on the Constitutional Court and Rule 36 of the Rules of Procedure because it relates to events that happened prior to the implementation of the Constitution, citing Jasiúnienè v. Lithuania


Ismet Hebibi

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is the Court doesn't have jurisdiction ratione temporis

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
