
Assessment of regularity of election of the President of Vetëvendosje Movement in Ferizaj, on 4 November 2012

Case No. KI 115/12

Applicant: Fadil Salihu

The Applicant has filed his referral in compliance with Article 113,7 of the Constitution of Kosovo, demanding constitutional review of regularity of election for the President of Vetëvendosje Movement branch in Ferizaj, of 4 November 2012, challenging the interpretation of statute of the Vetëvendosje Movement in relation to election of the president of this Movement in Ferizaj, The Applicant claimed that the mentioned person (candidate for president) was not present in Kosovo at the moment of election, and had not taken part in the campaign, and was elected to the position by purchase of votes, The applicant has raised the alleged violation in relation to interpretation of “Statute of the Vetëvendosje Movement“, The Court found that the Vetëvendosje Movement is not a state authority (public body), Therefore, the applicant is ratione materiae incompatible to the Constitutional provisions, since the competency of the Constitutional Court covers alleged constitutional violations by public authorities, Therefore, the Court found that the referral is ratione materiae incompatible to the Constitution, and as such, inadmissible


Fadil Salihu

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is ratione materiae outside jurisdiction of the Court

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
