
Constitutional Review of the Resolution of the District Court in Prishtina Gž.no.1490-2011, of 26 June 2012

Case No. KI 107/12

Applicant: Jovica Đorđević

The Referral Applicant filed the Referral pursuant to Articles 113,7 and 21,4 of the Constitution, Articles 20, 22,7 and 22,8 of the Law no, 03/L-121 on the Constitutional Court of 15 January 2009, On 29 October 2012, the Referral Applicant filed Referral with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo and sought from the court the constitutional review of the Resolution of the District Court in Prishtina, The Applicant claims that the Resolution of District Court violates her property rights as per Article 46 (Protection of Property) and Article 54 (Judicial Protection of Rights) of the Constitution of Kosovo, The President with Decision (no, GJR, KI 107/12 of 06 December 2012), appointed Kadri Kryeziu as Judge Rapporteur, and on the same day the President with Decision KSH 107/12 appointed the Review Panel composed of Judges: Robert Carolan (Presiding), Altan Suroy and prof, dr Enver Hasani, The Court upon examining the case concludes that the Applicant has not exhausted all legal remedies, as it is provided by Article 113,7 of the Constitution, For all the aforementioned reasons, the Constitutional Court of Kosovo in the session held on 19 June 2013 rendered the Referral inadmissible


Jovica Đorđević

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Legal remedies are not exhausted

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
