
RESOLUTION ON INADMISSIBILITY: Constitutional review of the Decision of the Kosovo Agency for Privatization on privatization of the new Enterprise Jatex – industrial complex LLC, during the 45 A wave of privatization

Case No. KI90/10, KI91/10, KI92/10, KI93/10, KI94/10, KI95/10

Applicant: Shareholders of "Jatex-Conitex" JSC

The Representatives requested the constitutional review of the Kosovo Privatization Agency’s decision to privatize the New Jatex Company industrial compound, in the 45 A wave of privatization, Applicants claim that as shareholders the decision of the KAP has violated their rights to property guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, more precisely according to them there was violation of Article 46 paragraph 1 and 3 of the Constitution, Applicants have also stated that even though they have requested for interim measures from the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court they do not recognize the jurisdiction of this court, therefore they request from the Constitutional Court to render a decision based on merits of the case. The Court rejects the Referral as inadmissible, given that Applicants did not exhaust all the legal remedies provided by law, before addressing the Constitutional Court


Shareholders of "Jatex-Conitex" JSC

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Legal remedies are not exhausted

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
