
Constitutional Review of the order SCC-04-0100 of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, dated 18 august 2004

Case No. KI 90/12

Applicant: Ramadan Kastrati

The Applicant filed his Referral based on Article 113,7 of the Constitution of Kosovo, claiming that his constitutional rights have been violated by the decision of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, The Applicant, among others, claimed that the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court did not inform him regarding the rendered decision, Concerning the allegations raised by the Applicant, the Court first established its temporal jurisdiction and then found that the allegations raised by the Applicant were related to a period of time when the Court had no temporal jurisdiction, namely the Applicant’s alleged violations had happened before the Constitution of Kosovo entered into force, Due to the abovementioned reasons, the Court, pursuant to Article 113,7 of the Constitution and Rule 36 (3) h) of the Rules of Procedure, decided to reject the Referral as inadmissible


Ramadan Kastrati

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is the Court doesn't have jurisdiction ratione temporis

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
