Roundtable discussion between the Constitutional Court and civil society organizations/media


The Constitutional Court participated in the roundtable discussion together with the representatives of civil society organizations and local media, organized with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Kosovo, which was held on Friday, 6 October 2023, at the “Swiss Diamond” hotel in Prishtina.

After the opening remarks of the President of the Constitutional Court, Mrs. Gresa Caka – Nimani, and the Director of Democracy and Governance Office at USAID, Mr. Noel Bauer, the roundtable discussion was followed by the broadcast of a video-presentation regarding the decision-making process of the Constitutional Court, realized with the support of USAID.

During the conversation, the representatives of civil society organizations and the media presented their views regarding the cooperation with the Constitutional Court so far in terms of communication, handling of requests for access to official information, as well as correct interpretation, but also misinterpretation of the content of the Court’s decisions in the public.

All participants considered positively the commitment of the Court to answer to the questions and requests of civil society organizations/media within the day or within 24 hours at the latest, as well as the fact that the Constitutional Court has so far approved every request of the parties for access to the relevant case file after the publication of the judgment.

At the end of the discussions, all parties underlined the importance of the event and expressed their willingness to participate in similar meetings in the future as well.