Constitutional Review of the 18 Judgments of the Supreme Court of 14 June 2013
Case No. KI 161/13, KI 162/13, KI 164/13, KI 165/13, KI 166/13, KI 167/13, KI 168/13, KI 169/13, KI 170/13, KI 171/13, KI 172/13, KI 173/13, KI 174/13, KI 175/13, KI 176/13, KI 177/13, KI 178/13, KI 179/13
Applicant: Ramiz Isufi dhe 17 individë të tjerë
Ramiz Isufi dhe 17 individë të tjerë
KI – Individual Referral
Referral is manifestly ill-founded