
Constitutional Review of the Decision to publish the final list of 20 % compiled by Privatization Agency of Kosovo

Case No. KI 110/12

Applicant: Dara Menkovič

The Applicant in his Referral submitted on 1 November 2012, requests “constitutional review of the Decision to publish the final list of 20 % compiled by Privatization Agency of Kosovo, by alleging that “PAK during the procedure for distribution of 20 % share from the privatization of the enterprise “INTEGJ” with its seat in Gjilan made discrimination with payment of eligible employees to payment pursuant to Article 2 paragraph 1 item a-b, pursuant to Article 3 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 4 paragraph a, i, j, k of the Anti-Discrimination Law no, 2004/3 since other employees, who were on the list have received an amount of means from 20 %,” The Court finds that the Applicant has not exhausted legal remedies provided by law, as required, in order to be able to submit the Referral to the Constitutional Court


Dara Menkovič

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Legal remedies are not exhausted

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
