The referral is based on Article 113,7 of the Constitution, Article 20 of the Law and Rule 56 of Rules of Procedure, The Applicants, among other, stated that the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kosovo approving the decision of Kosovo Energy Corporation to terminate their payments as heirs of their deceased husbands, were unfair and violated their rights guaranteed by the Constitution, The Court reiterates that it is not its task under the Constitution to act as a court of appeal, or a court of fourth instance, in respect of the decisions taken by regular courts, Further, the Court, also reiterated that agreements for temporary compensation cannot be transferred to the Applicants because those agreements had been established by their deceased husbands and not them, Due to the above mentioned reasons, the Court pursuant to Article 113,7 of the Constitution, Article 20 of the Law and Rule 36 of the Rules of Procedure decided to reject as inadmissible the Applicants’ referral
Vahide Hasani, Alltane Krasniqi, Fetije Berisha
KI – Individual Referral
Referral is manifestly ill-founded