
Constitutional Review of Decision, Rev. no. 538/2008, of the Supreme Court, dated 28 June 2011.

Case No. KI 164/11

Applicant: Jetullah Mustafa

The Applicant requests the execution of Decision Ac, no, 89/93 of the District Court in Pristina, 9th of February 1998 in which the RWSC was ordered to reinstate the Applicant to his original job or a similar position, Furthermore, the Applicant alleges that in its judgment of 22 January 2003, the Municipal Court in Pristina did not acknowledge: From what date the time period stipulated by the Statute of Limitations had begun to run, How the Municipal Court decided the compensation figure to which the Applicant would be entitled, Lastly, the Applicant puts forward that generally the Court Proceedings were lengthy and unfair and specifically that the decision of the Supreme Court of 28 June 2011 showed bias and lacked suitable adjudication, In such circumstances, the Court concludes that the Applicant has not exhausted all legal remedies available to him under the applicable law


Jetullah Mustafa

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Legal remedies are not exhausted

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
