
RESOLUTION ON INADMISSIBILITY: Review of the Judgment of the Supreme Court (Rev. no. 225/2007), dated of 25 September 2007

Case No. KI 128/11

Applicant: Boshnjaku Ismet

The Applicant alleges that his “fundamental right to work, guaranteed by Article 49.1 of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo, was violated”.

The Applicant requests from the Constitutional Court of Kosovo “to annul the Ruling of the Supreme Court of Kosovo Rev. no. 225/2007, dated 25/09/2007” and “to approve [his] referral to return in the working place”.

The Court considers that the public authorities of the Republic of Kosovo can only be required to answer to events which occurred subsequent to the entry into force of the Constitution i.e. from 15 June 2008. Accordingly, the Court cannot deal with a Referral relating to events that occurred before the entry into force of the Constitution.

The court finds that the referral is inadmissible and it is filed “ratione temporis”.


Boshnjaku Ismet

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is the Court doesn't have jurisdiction ratione temporis

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
