
Constitutional Review of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of Kosovo Rev. No. 82/2002 of 21 August 2002

Case No. KI 58/11

Applicant: Syle Shlivova

The Applicant filed a referral pursuant to Article 113.7 of the Constitution, contending that his right to work was infringed by the Supreme Court of Kosovo in 2002 when it affirmed lower court decisions rejecting on missed-deadline grounds his challenge of the Jashnica Municipality’s failure in 2000 to hire him for an assistant’s position at the Municipal Office in Jashnica village in favor of a less-qualified candidate, despite an assurance of reinstatement that he received in 1999 as a remedy to his earlier dismissal by Serbian authorities, The Court held that the Referral was inadmissible as incompatible ratione temporis with the Constitution pursuant to Rule 36.3(h) of the Rules of Procedure because the events happened prior to when the Constitution became effective


Syle Shlivova

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is the Court doesn't have jurisdiction ratione temporis

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
