Press release


At the invitation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria, the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Arta Rama-Hajrizi, and Judge Prof. Dr. Snezhana Botusharova, stayed on an official visit in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, on 21 and 22 September 2016.

President Rama-Hajrizi and Judge Botusharova were invited to participate in an international conference on “The Protection of Fundamental Citizens’ Rights and National Security in the Modern World: Role of Constitutional Courts”, organized on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria.

During their stay in Sofia, President Rama-Hajrizi and Judge Botusharova were received in a special meeting by the President of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria, Mr. Boris Velchev, while individual meetings were held also with other counterparts from the regional and European constitutional courts, who participated in this international conference.