President Caka – Nimani met with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo


The President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Ms. Gresa Caka –Nimani, received in a meeting the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo, Mr. Jonathan Hargreaves.

After extending her welcome, President Caka – Nimani informed Ambassador Hargreaves about the work done by the Court hitherto, the challenges faced and the efforts to overcome such challenges, as well as the good cooperation with counterpart courts in the region and beyond.

She expressed her gratitude for the continuous support that the British Government has provided to the Constitutional Court and other institutions in the country in enhancing professional and infrastructural capacities.

Ambassador Hargreaves, after thanking President Caka – Nimani for the reception, highlighted that the diplomatic mission of the United Kingdom in Kosovo remains committed to strengthening the justice sector and protecting the independence of the judicial system in the country.