
RESOLUTION on INADMISSIBILITY: Constitutional review of the Judgment of Supreme Court of Kosovo PPA No. 4/2009, dated 27 April 2011

Case No. KI 101/11

Applicant: Isma Bunjaku

The Applicant has not specified which constitutionally guaranteed right has been violated but she emphasized that the challenged decisions have violated her rights that are guaranteed ”by the laws in force, the Constitution and the international conventions”, The Court considers that there is nothing in the Referral which indicates that the court, and in this case also the committees of MLSW during the proceedings in the case, lacked impartiality or that the proceedings were otherwise unfair. The mere fact that applicants are dissatisfied with the outcome of the case does not grant them the right to file a substantiated Referral on the violation of Article 31 of the Constitution, The court finds that the referral is inadmissible and manifestly ill-founded.


Isma Bunjaku

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is manifestly ill-founded

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
