Delegation of the Constitutional Court in the 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice


A delegation of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, led by the President of the Court, Mrs. Gresa Caka – Nimani, stayed for an official visit to Bali, Indonesia, on 4-7 October 2022, with the invitation to participate in the 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ).

The delegation of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo traveled to Bali at the invitation of the Venice Commission and the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, as host and co-organizer of the 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ), which was organized this year on the topic: “Constitutional justice and peace”.

The sources of law, the responsibilities and limitations of the role of constitutional courts in maintaining peace, the fundamental international principles for the protection of human rights and the examination of the independence of constitutional courts, were just some of the topics on which the presidents and constitutional and supreme court judges from 90 countries around the world exchanged their professional views.

During her stay in Bali, President Caka-Nimani met with the President “emeritus” of the Venice Commission, Mr. Gianni Buquicchio, with the Secretary General of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ), Mr. Rudolph Dürr Schnutz, with presidents of several constitutional and supreme courts that are members of the WCCJ, as well as with representatives of Association of Francophone Constitutional Courts and the European Conference of Constitutional Courts.

The Constitutional Court of Kosovo became a full member of the World Conference of Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) on 17 September 2014.