Students of “Sami Frashëri” gymnasium visited the Court


Students of the “Sami Frashëri” gymnasium in Prishtina visited the Constitutional Court, where they were hosted by the Director of Communication and Information Office, Mr. Veton Dula.

History of the establishment and organizational structure of the Court, the international and current composition of constitutional judges, the manner of filing the referrals and the types of decisions rendered by this Court, as well as the relationship with courts of other instances in the country and its relations with the Venice Commission, were among the topics addressed by Mr. Dula in his presentation held in front of the high school students of Prishtina.

Possibilities of processing cases within a shorter time limit, the parties authorized to submit referrals, the criteria for the selection of constitutional judges and the right to appeal the decisions of the Constitutional Court, were just some of the issues for which the students of “Sami Frashëri” gymnasium expressed interest in being informed more.