
Constitutional review of the Judgment of Municipal Court in Prizren, of 11 December 2007, and Judgment of the District Court in Prizren, of 12 May 2011

Case No. KI 02/13

Applicant: Halil Mazreku

The Applicant alleged that regular courts, by their decisions, have violated his rights guaranteed by the Constitution, In his Referral, the Applicant did not specify which constitutional rights have been violated by the authorities, namely the regular courts, He has mentioned only the regular courts, i,e, District Court in Prizren has erroneously applied the provisions of the Law on Contested Procedure and provisions of the Law on amending and supplementing the Law on Transfer of the Immovable Property, In this case, the Applicant did not provide supporting constitutional grounds for his allegations, He did not specify why and how the Supreme Court has violated his rights guaranteed by the Constitution and European Convention, In this case, the Court found that the Referral does not meet the requirements of Article 48 of the Law and the Rule 36 (2) b) and d) of the Rules of Procedure, and therefore it is declared inadmissible


Halil Mazreku

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is manifestly ill-founded

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
