Constitutional review of the Judgment of the Trial Panel of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo on Trust Agency Related Matters, SCC-06-0144 of the date 30 March 2009 and the Judgment of the Appellate Panel of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo on Trust Agency Related Matters, ASC-09-2006, of the date 13 October 2011

In its referral, the Applicant claims the following: 1, His ownership rights over the funds he had invested for the refurbishment of “Autoservis” in the total amount of 1,356,882,00 €; 2, His ownership rights over the invested funds in Hotel and Restaurant “Victory”, in the total amount of 1,527,832,00 €; 3, The right to use the urban land plot on which the “Autoservis” and Hotel and Restaurant ”Victory” have been constructed; 4, The right to the priority to buy in the privatization proceedings of Socially Owned Enterprise on which the building of “Autoservis” and Hotel and Restaurant ”Victory” were constructed, The Applicant alleges that the judgments of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo on Kosovo Trust Agency Related Matters, that of the Trial Panel and the Appellate Panel have violated his rights guaranteed by the Constitution, namely Article 119 [General Principles], paragraph 1 and 2, and Article 121 [Property], paragraph 1 of Chapter IX [Economic Relations] of the Constitution, The Constitutional Court concluded that the Referral is manifestly ill-founded because the Applicant did not sufficiently substantiate his claim on violation of rights guaranteed by the Constitution