
Constitutional review of unspecified decisions or actions of public authorities

Case No. KI 74/18

Applicant: Gëzim Murati


KI74/18, Applicant: Gëzim Murati, Constitutional review of unspecified decisions or acts of public authorities

KI74/18, Decision of 5 November 2018, published on 6 December 2018

Keywords: Individual referral, decision to reject the Referral

The Applicant filed a Referral with the Constitutional Court claiming that various public authorities violated many of his rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Regarding the violation of these rights, the Applicant in the Referral requested the compensation in the amount of 100.000 euro.

Given the fact that the Applicant did not submit the relevant documents, the Court requested him to clarify what decision of what public authority was he challenging before the Court, as well as to attach the relevant documents.

The Applicant consequently sent only one email by not attaching relevant documents and not clarifying his Referral.

In conclusion, the Court summarily rejected his Referral because he did not meet the requirements established in the provisions of the Constitution, the Law and the Rules of Procedure.


Gëzim Murati

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Decision to reject the referral