Visit of students of the University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica


The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo was visited by the students of the Faculty of Law of “Isa Boletini” University in Mitrovica, on Thursday, 3 May 2018.

The students were received in the meeting by the Chief Legal Advisor of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Sevdail Kastrati, and Legal Advisor, Ms. Arbana Beqiri-Plakolli.

The function and the role of the Court under the Constitution, its internal organization, the manner of handling cases, the composition and procedure of selection of judges, as well as the relationship with the courts of other levels in the country, were some of the topics which advisor Kastrati discussed with the students of the University of Mitrovica.

With regard to the authorized parties to address the Constitutional Court, the stages of processing the submitted referrals, the ethnic structure of the Applicants and the implementation of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights during the examination of cases, the students were informed more thoroughly by the advisor Beqiri- Plakolli.

During the conversation, the students also expressed their interest in the right of the Constitutional Court to initiate cases, the right of the parties to the defense counsel, the deadlines and duration of the case review, and the requirements foreseen for the admissibility of Referrals.