Visit of Students on the Constitution Day


A group of students selected from primary schools in different cities of the Republic of Kosovo visited the Constitutional Court on Tuesday, on 10 April 2018.

The students were welcomed by the President of the Constitutional Court, Mrs. Arta Rama-Hajrizi, who initially made a brief presentation on the history of drafting the new Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and the importance of this document for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country.

President Rama-Hajrizi further informed the students about the function she has and the work of the Constitutional Court, its composition and the manner of election of judges, as well as about the active role this Court has in the protection of constitutionality in the country.

At the end of the meeting President Rama-Hajrizi gave the students a copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, with the wish that by preserving and respecting it we will build all together an even better future for our country.

The visit of students was conducted under the joint organization of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and Transformational Leadership Program (TLP) of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), on the occasion of marking the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Kosovo.