The President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Gresa Caka – Nimani and the dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Prishtina ”Hasan Prishtina”, Prof. Dr. Avni Puka, signed today in a joint ceremony the Cooperation Agreement between the Constitutional Court and the Faculty of Law of the UP.
The object of the signed agreement, among other things, is the development of joint activities aiming at the deepening and exchanging knowledge in the field of the constitutional law, human rights, constitutional justice and the rule of law, as well as mutual participation in professional seminars and conferences.
Part of the activities foreseen within the Cooperation Agreement are also the periodic lectures of the judges of the Constitutional Court before the students of the Faculty of Law of the UP, the access of law students at the master’s and doctoral level to the Library of the Court for academic purposes and research, as well as the engagement of the Faculty Law students as interns at the Constitutional Court.
The Constitutional Court and the Faculty of Law remain committed, jointly and each within their own competences, to support the continuous advancement of new generations of jurists.