Prof.Dr. Ivan Čukalović

Former Deputy President

Prof.Dr. Ivan Čukalović is a Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo. Besides this position, he is also a Professor in the Faculty of Law in Kragujevac, where he acts as head of the Department of Public International Law and the Centre for International Law and Relations.

Judge Čukalović served as co-representative in all cases involving the former Yugoslavia with the International Court of Justice. During the period 1999 – 2001, he was Deputy Chief of Legal Advisers at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and was a professor at the Diplomatic Academy led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Former Republic of Yugoslavia. In 1998, Judge Čukalović was invited as an expert in the Tribunal of Hague in the case Dokmanović. He was also representative of the International Organisation for Protection of Byzantine Culture in the Balkans. Prior to this, Judge Čukalović was Advisor to the Federal Government of the former Yugoslavia. He was professor at the University Prishtina from 1996 until 1999, and Professor at the University “BK” in Peja and Belgrade from 1992 to 2006.

Judge Čukalović is a member of the Executive Board of Association for International Criminal Law of Serbia and member of International Law Association based in London.
During his academic career, Judge Čukalović established various clubs and committees within the Faculty of Law in Kragujevac and served as mentor to many student groups participating in international competitions. He has published four books and more than 50 articles on International Public Law journals in Serbia and abroad.
Judge Čukalović studied law at Faculty of Law in Kragujevac and later obtained the MA degree in International Law at the University of Belgrade. He completed doctoral studies in the same University. Besides this, Judge Čukalović ensued his specialization studies in the University of London, the Academy for International Law in Hague, Russian Academy for Diplomacy and the Faculty of International Law in Moskow.

The mandate of Judge Čukalović at the Constitutional Court is nine years.