Judge Remzije Istrefi – Peci and Jurisconsult Suzana Krasniqi stayed on a study visit at the Court of Cassation of France


The Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Remzije Istrefi – Peci and the Jurisconsult of the Constitutional Court, Mrs. Suzana Krasniqi, stayed on a study visit at the Court of Cassation of the Republic of France, based in Paris, on 22-26 April 2024.

During the stay at the Court of Cassation, Judge Istrefi – Peci and Jurisconsult Krasniqi, became more closely acquainted with the internal work processes and the standard procedures for reviewing cases and requests submitted to this court.

In addition to the judges and jurists engaged in the Court of Cassation, Judge Istrefi – Peci and Jurisconsult Krasniqi also met with Mr. Thomas Lyon – Caen, president of the Order of Lawyers at the Council of State and the Court of Cassation, as well as with judges and advocates general of the Civil Chamber and the Criminal Chamber of this court regarding the presentation of the jurisdiction and competencies of the Court of Cassation, including participation in hearings in these two Chambers.

They held a special meeting with the former French judge at the European Court of Human Rights and the honorary member of the Court of Cassation, Mr. André Potocki. During her stay in Paris, at the invitation of Sorbonne University, Judge Remzie Istrefi -Peci also delivered a lecture to the students of the Faculty of Law of this prestigious university, on the topic: “Methods of interpretation of the Constitutional Court and the possible influence of comparative law” .

The aforementioned study visit was conducted following the cooperation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo with the Constitutional Council, the State Council and the Court of Cassation of France.