
ON the CORRECTION of technical errors in the Resolution on inadmissibility of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Case KI 81/10 of 15 September 2012.

Case No. KI 81/10

The Constitutional Court, for the purpose that the text of the Resolution on Inadmissibility in Case KI81/10 of 15 September 2012 reflects the overall verdict of the Court in respect to the submitted Referral of the authorized Applicant and to avoid possible ambiguities that may emerge as a result of these technical errors published in the Resolution on Inadmissibility in Case KI81/10 of 15 September 2012, in accordance with Article 113 of the Constitution and in accordance with Rule 61 (1,1) of the Rules of Procedure, at its session held on 4 March 2013, unanimously decided to approve EX OFFICIO the corrections in Resolution on Inadmissibility in Case KI81/10, of 15 September 2012

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Referral is manifestly ill-founded

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
