
Emrush Kastrati vs. the Decision Pkl. no. 120/08 of the Supreme Court

Case No. KI 68/09

Applicant: Emrush Kastrati


The applicant filed a request for interim measure against the Supreme Court Judgment for approval of the request for protection of legality in favour of the opposing party in favour of the opposing party, which will enable it to conduct a criminal procedure against the applicant of this referral for the alleged issuing of illegal judicial decision, According to the applicant, this decision, respectively the criminal proceedings against him violate his judicial immunity and the independence of the judiciary, The Constitutional Court decided to reject the request of the applicant for interim measure as inadmissible with the reasoning that he did not present any convincing argument which would justify the suspension of criminal proceedings which are conducted before the Municipal Court and that the interim measure would be necessary to avoid an irrecoverable damage or that such a measure will be in public interest


Emrush Kastrati

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:



Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
