The Applicant alleges that by the Judgment were violated Article 31 of the Constitution [Right to Fair and Impartial Trial] Article 6,1 ECHR together with its protocols, The Applicant further states that the Articles 7, 21, 22, 31, 46, 53 and 121 of the Constitution were violated, Constitutional Court in the Judgment of Supreme Court Rev, no, 87/12 dated 21 March 2011, did not find elements of arbitrariness or alleged violation of human rights as the Applicant alleged, Under these circumstances, the Applicant did not “substantiate sufficiently his allegation” and it cannot be concluded that the Referral was grounded, therefore the Court, pursuant to the Rule 36, paragraph 2, item c and d, finds that it should reject the Referral as manifestly ill-founded
Mon Nushi
KI – Individual Referral
Referral is manifestly ill-founded