
Assessment of the constitutionality of the Supreme Court of Kosovo Resolution A Nr. 847/08 and Supreme Court of Kosovo Resolution Mlc Nr. 43/2007

Case No. KI 48/09

Applicant: Jusuf Hashani


The Applicant has submitted a referral for assessing constitutionality of the decision of the Supreme Court rejecting applicant’s claim regarding an administrative dispute, whereby he alleges that he was denied the right on legal remedies, The Constitutional Court decided to reject applicant’s referral as inadmissible with reasoning that it is untimely since the matter was still before the District Court in Prishtina, thus all legal remedies that are available are not exhausted and applicant has not accurately clarified procedural or material aspects violated in the procedures mentioned by him


Jusuf Hashani

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Legal remedies are not exhausted

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
