President Caka – Nimani received the new Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Mr. Aivo Orav


The President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Ms. Gresa Caka – Nimani, received the new Head of the EU Office and EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Mr. Aivo Orav.

After wishing him success in his new duty, President Caka – Nimani informed Mr. Orav about the history of the establishment of the Constitutional Court, which followed the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo in 2008, the most important decisions of the Court over the years and the progress achieved in consolidating its case law.

She expressed special gratitude for the continuous support that European institutions and other international donors have given to the Constitutional Court in consolidating its professional and infrastructural capacities.

President Caka – Nimani further emphasized the important role that the Constitutional Court continues to have in the democratic development processes of the country, as well as the application of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in its decision-making.

Ambassador Orav, on his part, confirmed that support for strengthening the rule of law in the country and for an independent judicial system remains a priority of the EU institutions.