
Constitutional review of Judgment Rev. Nr. 182/2012 of the Supreme Court, of 20 June 2013

Case No. KI 30/18

Applicant: Sahit Musa as alleged representative of N.H., XH.H and S.H.


KI30/18, Applicant: Sahit Musa as alleged representative of N.H., XH.H and S.H., constitutional review of Judgment Rev. Nr. 182/2012 of the Supreme Court, of 20 June 2013

KI30/18, Decision to reject the Referral of 30 May 2018, published on 11 June 2018.

Keywords: Individual referral, incomplete Referral, unauthorized representative, summarily rejection

Referral was submitted by an attorney who assumes to be authorized to represent N.H., XH.H and S.H..

The Court requested the unauthorized representative to complete the Referral Form, to specify the names of the Applicants he is allegedly representing and to submit the respective power of attorney.

However, the unauthorized representative did not submit the requested information and documents.

Accordingly, the Court concluded that that the Referral is incomplete and not clearly stated. Therefore, the Court found that the Referral is to be summarily rejected in accordance with Rule 32 (5) of the Rules of Procedure.



Sahit Musa as alleged representative of N.H., XH.H and S.H.

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Decision to reject the referral

Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
