
Request for constitutional review of an unspecified decision or act of a public authority

Case No. KI136/17

Applicant: Nexhmedin Llumnica


KI136/17 – Request for constitutional review of an unspecified decision or act of a public authority

KI136/17, Applicant: Nexhmedin Llumnica

Decision to Reject the Referral, of 20 April 2018

Key words: Individual referral, review of unspecified decisions of public authorities, incomplete or unclear referral, decision to summarily reject

The Applicant has neither challenged any particular decision or act of a public authority nor has he alleged a particular violation of any right or freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. The Applicant merely requested monetary compensation from the Government of Kosovo due the “sufferings” that he alleged to have experienced as a result of various life events.

The Court had requested from the Applicant to clarify and supplement his Referral in accordance with the Rules and Procedures, but the Applicant did not respond to the Court’s request. As a result, the Court considered that the Applicant’s Referral did not meet the formal requirements for further consideration, because the Referral was incomplete and unclear.

In these circumstances, the Court, in accordance Rule 32 (5) of the Rules of Procedure decided to summarily reject the Referral.


Nexhmedin Llumnica

Type of Referral:

KI – Individual Referral

Type of act:


Type of procedure followed before other institutions :
